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Residency notes and daily diary

Friday 1/6/2017

Group one presentation

Bricolage-construction achieved by whatever is at hands. (Chuck Davis)

Remember Candida Hofer interior spaces, vacant luxurious.

Jer Nelson - Hans Haacke Blue sail

Yayoi Kusama Infinity room


Notes from my group crit w Lucy Kim

You work non-Verbal, intuitive. Consider the scale and the narrative. Be careful of the cliche of the net. The metaphor may be overused and familiar.

Use your analytical skills that you have built up in your career. Emphasize shifts in perspective, map things out.

Microscopic art...Make it really big?

Newer works are more enigmatic and engaging. Figures in nature in the realistic fern provide a context. The glue gun stencils are engaging shapes. Me-they look like chromosomes. Critic-Why not use real chromosomes.

Find your version in the theme move away from Cliche and metaphor.

Keep the analytical process in your work. It can be shown as part of the work. Statements are temporary tools tied to a moment.

Critical Theory 2 notes. The Archive (taught by Dan Byers curator ICA)

Ubu web is a resource archive for current art movements.

In my own work there is a natural tendency to archive because it reflects on past life experiences and informs memory and history. The Artist’s Museum is an exhibition at ICA Boston curated by Dan Byers. It looks at the act of archiving but not just bringing things together but how you link things together. A conversation between materials and ?collector?

Concept of “niche Culture”

Pinterest the dominant visual idiom of our day.

Artists who have used the archive in contemporary art; The Independent Group includes Richard Hamilton. They grouped scientific technology, advertising images.

John Heartfield (DaDa artist and photomontage, anti fascist) and Hannah Hoch gave objects a nonhierarchical spaciality. Relational Aesthetics-art of human relations Nicholas Bourriaud developed term to describe Work of Douglas Gordon and others


Meetings with Stuart

Meeting with Deborah-Consider art,science and the interactions. Expand on one theme work it up close and distant.

Group critique#2 Peter Rostovsky

Artists to look at Gwenessa Lam, Shoshana Dentz, Mira Schor, Kiki Smith.

Specify what draws you into certain things in the sidewalk marks. Minutia to celestial. What is it specifically about the walk that is engaging. Net infers fences infers cages. Read Landscape and Memory.

Graduating student talks- Mary Judge, etc see catalogue

Peter Rostovsky talk


Elective seminar Lucy Kim “Close Looking”

Analyze art by unbiased looking. Descriptive.

We exhaustively analyzed Lucy Sacco’s piece. Some notes on materials her piece could be made with Aqua resin or polymer resin. She uses plaster and acrylic paint and shellac.

Discussed Colin McGuire painting, he paints on wood panels. Coats w gesso and sands several layers then paints image in color in acrylics. Cover panel with black oil paint and rubs away to create image. Black remains in crevices and tones down color.

Lucy Kim mentioned looking at Eva Hesse circles ink drawings.

Critical Theory

Viewed Camille Henrot Grosse Fatigue 2013 film.

Multiple images w sound filmed at Smithsonian narrated using a poem by Jacob Bromberg. References extinction, framed in google search format, each image new window. (curiously, the film starts with ink in water which is a recurring image in today's visual landscape. It is seen in advertising and movies-just watch -we see it everywhere), there is repeated pictures of water, and

The sequential use of two or more images to derive more meaning than using a single shot (Kuleshov effect) is used almost continually through the film. There is also use of collage and montage. It shows the vastness of the archive. Images trigger connection to objects, thoughts and ideas. The music supplies a rhythm which connects the images as does the poem read through the entire film. Creation theories and stories are combined with the scientific documents.

Also mentioned were image is not a photograph. A photograph is a photograph. trace , gesture. “Positivism” William E Jones an artist who works in archive and film. Puntual is one of his huge film works.

Sharon Harper artist talk-combines geology, astronomy, conservation with photography. Similar to Hamish Fulton’s work titled “moonrise Kent England 30, September, 1985.

Her work she presented was titled “one month weather permitting” she photographs moon eclipe moon in one month on one piece of film. She keeps a notebook of tracking data title of image and location. She shows her work with photo and notebook. (my comments-This is science and art interacting or the artist adapting scientific methods and showing them as the process of making art. Adds analysis into the art making). She worked in Hawaii. And referenced the hawaians respect for nature. The legends about the goddess Pele (Lava) live on today. When lava threatens the town the residents clean their homes in anticipation to welcome it instead of distancing themselves. Some of her inspiration comes from the book, “Secret Knowledge of Water” by Childs.

Michelle Stewart

the John Adams Whipple daguerreotypes of the moon done with William Cranch Bond around 1850 in Boston. The original is at Harvard Art Museum. Henry Draper astrophotographer.

Sharon Harper talk moon studies, responding to natural environment, photographer. Lots of process.


Meeting with Deborah

Keep a list of Exhibitions and lectures attended

Contact Susan Emmerson about mentors

Expand on one theme work it up-maybe looking at things close and from a distance

Keep an artist list

Ideas for expanding my art - Juxtaposition of the micro and the macro, I also like comparing structure to chaos. Try looking at elements in nature and how the six naturally occurring forms are reflected in human body structure modeling patterns in the natural world. Examples of these are symmetries, branching, spirals, meanders,waves, foams, tessellations,cracks and stripes.

Analogy between land river and circulation.

Juxtaposition between Microscopic and Macroscopic. Structure and chaos

Look at Terry Winters prints and paintings at MFA. Also 19th century systems of classification, natural history museum at Harvard. Charles and Rae Eames the powers of Ten. Think about using microscopic source material and enlarging and interpreting it into work.

From Peter look at Deb Todd Wheeler

ICA FIELD TRIP with Dan Byers

The Artist Museum Show is about the artist collecting and the museum collection and about the artist and cultural preservation. It raises issues about How we organize the world for meaning and how we make collections. There are fragments of collections. In the museum there is an atmosphere of collection , will the museum store or display its collection and what does the art do if it's not shown. An artwork needs a viewer for completion. Many of these works have multiple pieces to show the network of relationships. The juxtaposition of objects means something. The first half of the exhibition are caricatures of museums.

Sara Vanderbeek, photographer mixes art history and popular culture

Rosa Barba

Video showing the relationship of antiquities in storage

Christian Marclay (known for the Clock) uses and films items from the Fluxus movement held at Walker Art Center In Minneapolis to show them as instruments of sound. Shake Rattle and Roll (Flumix) 2004 projected on a circle of monitors.

Goshka Macuga “Cabinet of Abstraction”

Carol Bove “the Difficult Crossing”

Anna Craycroft

“The earth is a magnet” I was interested in the concept of Erika Vogt’s piece, which combined printmaking sculpture and science. Piece is called Slug.

Artist talk Lucy Kim

Journal notes


Elective Seminar visit to Harvard Art museum w Lucy Kim

Artist Lecture Steve Locke

Work explores male sexuality homosexuality

Steve Locke is an African American artist who explores figuration and perceptions of the male figure, and themes of masculinity and homosexuality through drawing, painting, sculpture and installation art.Wikipedia


Close Looking back to Harvard Art to close look at a few pieces in the permanent collectio.

Meeting with Ben about program. He doesn't know much, kind of reminds me of Pence does what he's told and doesn't veer from the script. Not a facilitator or problem solver more of a spokesperson

Notes from Isidro-how to do a cyanotype

Critique with Mary Judge


Critical Theory 2-Opened Warhol time capsule with curator from Warhol museum

Field trip to Boston MFA, saw the Clock by Christian Marclay and Exhibition of Terry Winters Prints.


Meeting w Deborah

Elective seminar trip to MIT to see Andrea Crespo exhibition/ hour long movie about autism w drawings

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